The Nordic Pavilion at ART IST KUKU NU UT
Ytter from Bergen have temporarily moved their office to Gallery Noorus, where they initiate The Nordic Pavilion with works by (amongst others) Jacqueline Forzelius, Haukur Már Helgason, a hangover-brunch and a pink parachute as the backdrop for a meeting between Nordic and Baltic artists and curators. Together with the organisers of ART IST KUKU NU UT, Rael Artel and Kaisa Eiche, Ytter will host two public talks and a seminar where the artistic role versus the role of the curator will be discussed, and where they wish to facilitate an exchange of experiences between their Nordic and Baltic guests. Everything takes place inside the Gallery Noorus in Tartu, Tallinn’s beautiful little sister. During the conversations we will talk about our experiences of self-organisation within the field of art and what happens when artistic and curatorial practice becomes more and more “professionalised”. In what way is our artistic integrity affected by power relations artists and curators in between? Is self-organisation in the field of art political art, or is it just an illustration of the method of organisation? Ytter has invited Marie Nerland, curator of the Volt (Bergen), Steffen Håndlykken, initiator of Institute for Color and curator of 1857 (Oslo), and Roberto Peyre, curator and initiator of the artist/curatorgroup Blot (Stockholm) as the Nordic representatives in these dialogues between the Nordic and Baltic countries.
September 15, 2 pm: Conversational moment at Noorus Gallery organised by Ytter with Roberto Peyre and Kiwa.
September 15, 5 pm: Opening of the festival ART IST KUKU NU UT and the exhibition Art Must Be Beautiful. Selected Works by Marina Abramović (Amsterdam/New York) in Tartu Art Museum.
September 15,7 pm: Screening of Seven Easy Pieces at Athena cinema.
September 16, 2 pm: Conversational moment at Noorus Gallery organised by Ytter with Steffen Håndlykken, Kaisa Eiche and Helen Tammemäe.
September 16, 2011 at 5 pm: Opening of the Acts of Refusal, an international exhibition guest curated by Ellen Blumenstein & Kathrin Meyer (The Office, Berlin) in Tartu Art House.
September 16, 2011 at 7 pm: Opening of the collective project “Leaving Tartu” by Anna Hints, Eva Labotkin, Marja-Liisa Plats, Toomas Thetloff (Tartu/Tallinn), the winners of KUKU NUNNU production grant in Y Gallery.
September 17, 2011 at 12: Hang-over brunch cooked by Ytter (Bergen), and at 1 pm seminar on relations between curators and artists, organised by Ytter in collaboration with ART IST KUKU NU UT. Participants from Nordic and Baltic region.
PS: After official programme, each night spontanous parties will follow in different clubs and bars in Tartu!